今個星期初,美聯儲聯同財長及FDIC聯合發表聲明接管矽谷銀行SVB,也同時宣佈Signature bank有系統性風險,因此必須即時關閉,為何Signature Bank 忽然離奇被判死亡?
Signature Bank 離奇被判死亡,坊間一直說Signature Bank 是加密貨幣銀行,因為幣市慘淡,其加密貨幣存款不斷流失導致系統性風險,所以被FDIC勒令停業,這說法是錯的。
根據2022年12月31日的財報表,Signature Bank 總資產為1,103億美元,總存款為889億美元,當中digital assets亦即是加密貨幣的總額為177.9億美元,只佔Signature Bank 的總存款20%,而Signature Bank 在3月8日再追加一份財務報告,加密貨幣存款跌至165.2億美元,但同時總存款由年底上升了5.76億美元,截止3月8日加密貨幣存款只佔總存款18%。根本談不上是加密貨幣銀行。它們的加密貨幣deposits全是美元deposits,而這些存款都是non-interest bearing,雖然存款是On-demand,但Signature Bank 是無本生利的。
Signature Bank指出加密貨幣存款下跌的原因是他們要兌現之前承諾,減低這方面的業務,以減低幣市帶來的風險.
Deposit balances of $89.17 billion, which are up $576 million since year-end 2022. This includes the deliberate reduction in digital asset-related client deposits of $1.27 billion, resulting in a balance of $16.52 billion in digital asset-related client deposits
Signature Bank一再强調它們沒有持有加密貨幣或stablecoin,也沒有幫交易所鑄 stablecoin,也沒有炒賣!
As a reminder, Signature Bank does not invest in, does not trade, does not hold, does not custody and does not lend against or make loans collateralized by digital assets," DePaolo concluded.
We have repeatedly communicated that our relationships in the digital asset space are limited to U.S. dollar deposits only, and we remain fully committed to executing on our plan to deliberately reduce these deposits further. Since we opened our doors, we have been a ‘deposit-first’ institution and have always been committed to our depositors’ safety, first and foremost. As shown by our current metrics, we intentionally maintain a high level of capital, strong liquidity profile and solid earnings, which continues to differentiate us from competitors, especially during challenging times," added Eric R. Howell, President and Chief Operating Officer.
Signature Bank 的客戶存款,80%來自中企業、律師、會計師、健康醫療公司、製造業、地產管理公司。沒有像SVB般只涉大量科創企業。
2020年和2021,Signature Bank 的 Loan to Deposit ratio 約 77%,正常正如一般美國銀行,2022年由於Digital Asset 的 deposits 下降,Loan to Deposit ratio 上升至約 84%。
Signature Bank 不是加密貨幣銀行,究竟是什麼銀行?
Signature Bank 總證券投資為263.7億美元,其中主為MBS (mortgage-backed securities) 和 CMO (Collateralized mortgage obligations) ,以10年期為主。證券投資平均年期認為4.23年,83.4%是AAA rating,97%是 A credit rating。不過,正如我在上篇文章指出,我認為無論持國債或MBS都是Mismatch,當你有1000個客,1000個客同時提款,銀行是不可能即時滿足所有提款。事實上,長年期的債券利息更高,在之前的低利率環境,當然是買賺高小小息的債券。我不明白,除非聯儲局認為長期低息,為何會賣很長年期的低息債券?這是否有問題?
基本上Signature Bank 在被擠提前是完全正常,直至當美國矽谷銀行忽然倒閉,紐約州的Signature Bank的存戶在同日從銀行提走超過100億美元的存款,一天之內被提走超過11%的存款,Signature Bank 的死因基本上是存戶一窩蜂同時擠提