在今日美國選情激烈之際,大家注意力都放在美國大選,不過點票要到四號才有最終結果。筆者趁勢推出Volitium.io 和白皮書,Volitium 是一個以電子投票和民調為目標而設的工具,今日大家都見到,在新冠疫情嚴重的情況下,人們還要到票站大排長龍,我認為在現今科技發達年代,仍然要親身排隊是落後的,雖然Volitium 處理的目標投票只是大廈管理、社區、公司等投票,但這些投票項目仍然是需要人們親身去投票,又或者需要代理人代投票,如果我們都能在手機直接投票,而區塊鏈的運用令這些投票可信及不可篡改,公眾亦可公開核實點票,這樣便可解決大部份親身投票的問題,這投票方式在疫情嚴重的情況下尤其重要,更重要是,當我們都能用手機直接投票,人們即使不能親身投票,亦無需代理人代為投票,這便減少很多貪腐空間,人們更能掌握直接管理投票事項。
筆者想特別指出,籌集資金用上一年時間,期間會逐步推出試玩版,一方面不斷改良產品來迎合用戶,另一方面不斷增長用戶,令Volitium 價值隨着時間而增加。
會員代幣: https://volitium.io/
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keep on the good works. if have time, will read the white paper. but the water mark seems unnatural.
刪除have a quick read but still not know 1) how to ensure the voter is the genuine person. i think it also depends on how the ID is distributed to the right person (not only the matter of public and private key); 2) full node with 4T storage is quite a lot; 3) a voter can verify if the result is tampered from time to time before the end of the poll. I am not sure if it is possible that the alternation of the result requires confirmation from the actual voter
回覆刪除1) To ensure the voter is the genuine person , you a procedure to register voter in person, and an extra procedure to erase that track so that no one can trace his vote. It’s been well considered already. However, we need to build the tool first before we add features to it.2) It anticipated an expansion. 3) the decentralized ledgers make it almost impossible to be changed by anyone, not even the voter himself, after the vote was casted.