

After the Volitium testnet, here are some updates 審視Volitium 測試版後的一些想法

Time flies! It's been almost two months since the Volitium testnet was launched. I wanted to update everyone who joined Discord, as well as our friends and followers, on the recent progress of Volitium. I will first write in English, as we have some friends coming from the Cosmos community, and then I will provide Chinese translations below.

I want to assure everyone that Volitium is still alive and navigating through the bearish crypto market without hesitation. In fact, this is the best time for us to build things.

I will recap the main purposes of Volitium. Firstly, Volitium is a messaging app aimed at regaining control of privacy in private messaging. Secondly, we want Volitium to be a tool that ordinary people will use to reach agreements. In other words, the Volitium app is tailored for the general public's use. However, during the initial testing stage, we have found that we are far from fulfilling those purposes.

Recently, we have been greatly disturbed by WhatsApp video calls from strangers and messaging scams, which make us potential victims of online fraud at any time. This is why I believe people should reconsider the privacy of their messaging apps. Prior to the Volitium testnet, I thought people would prioritize privacy, but I have come to realize that this may not be the case. When faced with the choice between convenience and privacy, people often choose convenience over privacy. We have to accept the fact that it is difficult for us to shift communications with friends and relatives. WhatsApp is here to stay, regardless of how annoyed we may feel with their services. Furthermore, it is challenging to change a habit once we have become accustomed to it. We anticipate that achieving the first goal of Volitium will remain difficult in the near future.

Regarding the second purpose, we even struggle to get people to create wallets. Despite the fact that creating a crypto wallet is necessary to enter the world of Web 3, it appears to be a high barrier for the general public, and we must accept this reality.

I must admit that even with the best intentions, if we cannot execute them, they serve no purpose. In order to enable more people to use our app, we will focus on developing an app that resolves the cumbersome process of creating a wallet while ensuring user anonymity and privacy.


時光飛逝! Volitium測試網已經推出快兩個月了。 我想向所有加入Discord的人以及我們的朋友和追隨者介紹Volitium最近的進展。 我將首先用英語寫作,因為我們有一些來自Cosmos 社群的朋友,然後我會提供中文翻譯。

我想向大家保證,Volitium仍然活著,毫不猶豫地在加密市場熊市中向前航行。 事實上,這是我們創建的最佳時機。

讓我們回顧Volitium創建的主要目的。 首先,Volitium其中重要目的重奪私人訊息的隱私。 其次,我們希望Volitium成為普通人用來達成協議的工具。 換句話說,Volitium應用程式是以公眾為主要用家。 然而,在最初的測試階段時發現,我們遠遠沒有實現這些目標。

最近,我們對陌生人打來的WhatsApp視像通話和訊息詐騙感到非常不安,這使我們隨時成為線上欺詐的潛在受害者。 這就是為什麼我認為人們應該重新考慮其訊息應用程式的隱私。 在Volitium測試網之前,我以為人們會優先考慮隱私,但我已經意識到情況可能並非如此。 當面對便利和隱私之間的選擇時,人們往往選擇便利而不是隱私。 我們必須接受這樣一個事實,即我們很難遷移所有朋友和親戚的溝通。 無論我們對WhatsApp的服務多麼不滿,我們還是繼續使用WhatsApp。 而且我們很難改變習慣的舒適圈。因此我們預計,短期內實現Volitium的第一個目標仍然是困難的。

關於第二個目的,我們甚至努力讓人們創造錢包。 儘管建立加密錢包是進入Web 3世界所必要的,但它似乎對公眾來說是一個障礙,我們必須接受這個現實。

我必須承認,即使有最好的意圖,如果我們不能執行,它們是毫無意義。 為了使更多人能夠使用我們的應用程式,我們將專注於開發一個應用程式,解決建立錢包的繁瑣過程,同時確保使用者匿名性和隱私。


