


近日西班牙國內第四大銀行Bankia瀕臨破產,財政拮据的西班牙政府,宣佈將之國有化,並投入 190 億歐元的紓困金,令正在深化的歐債危機,暫時止血。然而Bankia作為西班牙最大的抵押貸款銀行,其面臨破產,令人驚覺西班牙房產泡沬爆破的後遺症並未完全浮現,什可能陸續有來,而現時西班牙政府的債務已高達8000億歐元,其救起整個銀行體系的能力大受質疑,繼希臘之後,西班牙將是歐債危機的第二大風眼!



The Spanish banking system had been credited as one of the most solid and best equipped among all Western economies to cope with the worldwide liquidity crisis, thanks to the country's conservative banking rules and practices. Banks are required to have high capital provisions and demand various proofs and securities from intending borrowers. Nevertheless this practices were strongly relaxed during the housing bubble, a trend to which the regulator (Banco de España) turned a blind eye.
It was later revealed that nearly all the Spanish representatives in their Congress had strong investments in the housing sector, some having up to twenty houses. Over the time, more and more news have emerged about the informal alliance between Spanish central and regional governments, the banking sector (bear in mind for example the recent government pardon of the second at command at the Santander Bank, while all the major parties are strongly indebted with banks, and such debts are extended from time to time) which increased the bubble size over the years. Most regional semipublic savings banks (cajas ) lended heavily to real state companies which at the end of the bubble went bankrupt, then, the cajas found themselves left with the collateral and properties of those companies, namely overpriced real state and residential-zoned land, now worthless, rendering the cajas in essence bankrupted.


西班牙房產泡沬自1985開始,至2008年爆破,期間樓價上升了201%,長達22年的房地產興旺期,令西班牙人以為樓市長升長有,西班牙80%的人口置了業。房產泡沬爆破前,西班牙的經濟強勁,失業率曾經在2007年跌至歷史低位的7.9%,經濟按年增長率達4%。 2008年金融海嘯令出口收縮,加上油價上升令通脹高企,22年的房產泡沬就此終結。截止2012年第一季,失業率上升至24.4%,經濟按年下跌0.4%,真所謂「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」,經濟差還要以高息還債,政府10年債息由2005年3、4厘升至現在接近7厘!



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