

美國國債券泡沫爆破後的景象 (2011年4月12日)


那又未必!筆者主要認為現時經濟最大的威脅是通脹和預期通脹不段升温,加息是在所難免!筆者也認同美國國債券泡沫有爆破的可能,但爆破後的境象會是如何?筆者於去年閱讀過一本書"AFTERSHOCK Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown",當中一些預視美國政府債券泡沫爆破後的情況,我認為可參考一吓。


“AFTERSHOCK”的作者David Wiedemer認為美國為救銀行和催谷經濟增長而實施量化寬鬆令貨幣供應M1大幅上升(見圖)

M120091月的1.58萬億美元上升至20112月的1.87萬億美元,升幅達18%。而金融海嘯前,即20086月前,M1 是維持在1.3萬億美元。急升的M1將大幅刺激通脹,兩者距離約618個月,惡性通脹將可能出現,加上財政赤字上升,美元持價貶值,最終令持有美國國債投資者心灰意冷,而大量拋售美債,最差的情況是全世界投資者都停止購買美國國債,美國政府是市場唯一買家,這就是美國國債泡沫爆破的時刻!

美國國債泡沫爆破後,作者預期大量資金會流出美國(capital flight)對美元造成壓力,美元需求減少亦對美元泡沫爆破壓力增加,結果美國政府又再以印銀紙對應,惡性通脹勢必火上加油。美國政府最終回歸正途,透過減財赤和加稅解决問題。




筆者從網上download”Once Upon A Time in America”作為這篇文章背境音樂,這首音樂是來自電影”Once Upon A Time in America”,電影背景是美國1930年代大條,非常之應景呢!(多謝網友麥斯指導如何加音樂組件)

(後記:我們借錢有Credit Limit,而美國政府的credit limit 是什麽,這就是國際投資者停止買債的終極點,亂博將在下一篇討論!)
“AFTERSHOCK”一書的作者David Wiedemer在以下網址有最新update:

Rising Interest Rates: Is the Bond Bubble Popping?
Updated 12/28/2010

Interest rates are up more than 1% in the last month on both long and short term bonds, pushing mortgage rates up and bond prices down. Is the bond bubble popping? We see two possible scenarios: Either investors believe that the economy is finally turning around and therefore higher demand for credit will drive up interest rates; or investors are beginning to worry that inflation is on its way due to massive money printing by the Fed (QE1 and QE2), and the bond bubble is about to pop.

We think the first scenario is more likely. If so, the euphoric feeling won’t last and interest rates will eventually decline. More importantly, we think the Fed will buy even more bonds to keep interest rates from rising much further. However, it is also possible that the Fed is starting to lose control over interest rates due to growing inflation expectations among investors and rising perceived risk in federal government debt. We know this will happen eventually, the only question is when. One reason we don’t think it is happening now is that if inflation expectations were rising rapidly, we would see gold rising as well, which is not currently happening.

So is the bond bubble starting to pop? We will know in the next month or two.


