



Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: Bush’s “big lie” and the crisis of American imperialism

By the editorial board
21 June 2003

More than two months after the US occupation of Baghdad, and three months after the onset of the American invasion, the Bush administration has been unable to produce any evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. It is increasingly obvious that the entire basis on which the White House and the American media “sold” the war was a lie.
詳盡請閱: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/jun2003/wmd-j21.shtml
One should remember how the US used the media:

While US war propagandists presented the attack on Iraq as an extension of the “war on terrorism,” it is well known that the Bush administration had drawn up plans to use military force to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein long before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. September 11 was seized on as a pretext for stampeding public opinion to accept US military intervention.

New evidence that US invasion has produced epidemic of birth defects in Iraq


By Fred Mazelis
17 October 2012

A new study confirms, not for the first time, the horrific price paid by the Iraqi people for the US-led invasion of their country in 2003, and the 2004 bombing campaign and assaults on the city of Fallujah in particular.

Eight years after the attacks on Fallujah, a majority-Sunni city about 40 miles west of Baghdad where the resistance to the invasion had been tenacious, the consequences of this collective punishment, illegal under international law, are continuing to unfold.

A study published in the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology focuses on an extraordinary epidemic of congenital birth defects in Iraqi cities over the past decade, particularly in Fallujah and in the southern city of Basra, assaulted by British troops in 2003.

This study has been released only one month before a broader survey is due to be released by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO report has looked at nine areas in Iraq and is also expected to show increases in birth defects.

As summarized in the British newspaper The Independent, the first study, entitled “Metal Contamination and the Epidemic of Congenital Birth Defects in Iraqi Cities” and published online on September 16, pinpoints statistics for Fallujah and Basra that add up to a public health crisis that is as serious as any other around the world.

More than 50 percent of all births surveyed in Fallujah were born with a birth defect between 2007 and 2010, the newspaper explains. In the 1990s, Falllujah had a birth defect rate of 2 percent. This rose to about 10 percent in the early years of the twenty-first century, and then exploded in the years following the siege of Fallujah in 2004.

The data on miscarriages was also significant. Before the 2004 attacks on Fallujah, both in April and in November-December of that year, about 10 percent of pregnancies ended in miscarriage. This rose to a rate of 45 percent in the two years after the bombings. It fell as the most drastic attacks subsided, but the rate still remained high, at one in six pregnancies.


轉載(3) : 老占的博客

為咗重返亞洲,抗衡中國,重新制定南海政策,美國佬派出專人協助清理四十多年前打越戰時殘留的橙劑。事隔差不多半世紀,呢啲生化武器仍然遺害越南人間,越戰時期,越共的軍隊大多躲在叢林裡打游擊戰,使得擁有強大武器的美軍也無法發揮其優勢,逼不得已使出了殺手鐧,使用了Agent Orange橙色落葉劑,讓越共沒有辦法再以叢林作為掩蔽。然而,造成了越南日後嚴重的傷害。

1967 年到 1968 年的兩年間,美國向越南噴灑橙色落葉劑數量最多,次數最為頻繁。在此期間,新生兒的畸形發生率是一般狀況的兩倍,唇顎裂的情況也特別嚴重。越南人民和參加越戰的美國老兵深受其害,其身體因此出現了各種病變。

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二氯苯氧乙酸等農藥成分會累積在大腸當中,開始逐漸毒害你致死。當你吃進一顆非有機的蘋果,同時就吃進了大約 30 種曾經噴灑在這顆蘋果上的有毒農藥;農藥殘留量最多的蔬果包括草莓、蘋果、紅蘿蔔、芹菜、菠菜、葡萄及黃瓜。如果想要保持健康,必須學習如何排毒。



