


美國法庭就加州槍擊案頒令蘋果協助FBI解鎖 iPhone,但遭蘋果公司拒絕,爭議升级至總統層面,上星期在一項音樂節開幕演講中,總統奧巴馬開腔批評發展絕密加密裝置的電子產品。

“no one should take an absolutist position on the debate between privacy and public safety.”

  • 在處理私隱方面, 政府提取智能手機資料的權力應受限制
 “Yet access to smartphones by government should be limited so that it can't "willie nilly" get into anyone's phones.”
  • 但在處理公眾安全方面,政府也需要很強的加密方法以提防恐怖主義或防止人們干擾金融體糸和交通系統,這些系統也日益電子化,容易受黑客攻擊
“What makes it even more complicated is that we also want strong encryption is because part of us preventing terrorism or preventing people from disrupting the financial system or our air traffic control system or a whole other set of systems that are increasingly digitized is that hackers, state or non-stage, can’t get in there and mess them up.”


“So now we have two values that we say are important. And the question we now have to ask technologically is if it is possible to make an impenetrable device or system where the encryption is so strong that there is no key, there is no door at all. Then how do we apprehend the child pornographer? how do we solve or disrupt a terrorist plot? What mechanisms do we have available to do even simple things like tax enforcement? If in fact you can't crack that all, if the government can't get in, then everybody is walking around with a Swiss Bank account in their pocket. There has to be some concession to the need to be able to get into that information somehow.”




如果蘋果公司繼續堅持拒絕解鎖iPhone、iPad,所面對的巨大壓力將會是來自世界各國,對蘋果公司的影響,是Tim Cook所難以承受的。

無日無之的訴訟對一間原本最大市值公司的破壞性,大家或可借鑑2000年微軟被美國司法部裁定反競爭行為,2001年案件終結,雖然微軟公司逃過被拆細的扼運,但Bill Gates的精力長時間被消耗在處理訴訟,這年間微軟失去競爭力,微軟股價在99至2000年見頂,一沉九年,直至2009年才再重拾升軌。

(P.S. 此之所以很多高度加密的電郵服務及加密貨幣如Ethererum,公司都設在中立國家瑞士,而比特幣的創辦人甚至失蹤,都不無原因)

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